5 Pepper Varieties For Beginners

5 Pepper Varieties For Beginners

Growing peppers can be a daunting task for new gardeners, especially if you live in a northern climate with short growing seasons. This list will focus on 5 pepper varieties that are extremely forgiving, and perfect for a beginner gardener. 

For a full guide on how to grow your peppers, check our article out that covers all aspects to growing your first peppers!


Mini Sweet

(Click on the name for Seeds)

By far, the most popular pepper when it comes to sweet peppers.
These plants grow quite fast and produce lots of medium sized peppers.
They have an excellent sweet flavour, and their smaller fruit allows them to easily be grown in pots. 


These peppers resemble a miniature version of a bell pepper.
Along with most peppers on this list, the Snack-A-Belle has medium sized fruit,
allowing it to grow quickly and produce fruit in less time.
Similar to a Mini Sweet these peppers are great for cooking!

Cherry Pick

These smaller peppers grow quickly and produce lots of ping pong ball sized fruit.
These plants are extremely hardy and difficult to kill.
A great choice for starting out with peppers.
They are sweet in flavour and great for adding to sauces.

Red Hot Chili Pepper

Unlike the other peppers on this list, these peppers are quite hot.
Ranging from 30k - 50k Scoville. These peppers are incredibly easy to grow in pots and unlike most hot peppers, are not as sensitive.
A great variety to start growing hot peppers.


A popular choice for novice and experienced pepper growers,
jalapenos have an amazing mild spice to them.
This makes them a popular side dish when cooking.
These peppers are another variety that grows quickly and produces lots of peppers.
A very mild tempered pepper, if given mediocre care,
this pepper can produce lots of tasty fruit!

What do you think of our list?
Do you Grow any of these in your garden?

Let us know down below in the comments, or get in contact with us on Instagram @RedHotSeeds



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