5 House Plants No One Can Kill

5 House Plants No One Can Kill


There are two types of plant killers out there. The one that hovers over their plant all day watering constantly hoping that through sheer love their plant will grow. Then there’s the one who enjoys plants, but keeps forgetting to water for a week or two… or three.

No matter which one you are, we are going to find you some house plants even you can’t kill.



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1.Snake Plant

Snake plants are the ultimate fire and forget plants. Set them up with nice draining soil and let them do their thing.
These NASA approved leafy plants have complex patterning that varies depending on the variety. Better still, once you perfect the art of leaf-cutting/propagating you can give these away as gifts to friends and family.



Landscape Basics 4-inch Aloe Vera Barbadensis Plant | The Home Depot Canada


Aloe is a very beautiful stemless plant. The most popular of which is Aloe Vera, however for the sake of the plant’s health don’t break off any limbs if you want to keep it healthy. As with almost all other plants on this list, aloe does best in well-draining soil, so lay down a layer of stones in the bottom of the pot.

This baby can fit a lot of neglect into it, watering is really only necessary once every 3 weeks. DO NOT over water this plant! Aloe stores water in its stems and will start to rot if there is too much!



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3.String Of Hearts

This long lacy plant resembles an ivy, with heart-shaped leaves. String of hearts are also able to produce small purple flowers. These semi-succulent plants need only sparse watering to stay alive. As with the snake plant, you can give these bad boys away as presents should you successfully propagate them.



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4.Spider Plant

Spider plants are the classical beginner house plant, and one of my absolute favourites. Place in a bright room and water once a week with well-draining soil. That’s it, that’s all it takes to keep these alive.

ALSO, did you forget to water it this week? Last week? The week before?!
It’s probably perfectly fine, these guys are very hard to kill and look absolutely stunning.



Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree with Basket ,house plant, tips to grow house plant, easy to grow plant, aesthetic, gardening, succulent, house plants guide

5.Fiddle Leaf Fig

These indoor trees are native to central African jungles, but can grow perfectly fine in your living room. These plants can grow upwards of 6 feet when cared for properly. Make sure to give your plant lots of indirect sunlight, usually near a south-facing window.

Water sparingly, once a week is a good benchmark.
With all plants on this list, ensure you plant your plants in a good draining soil as they do not like to remain soaked. The also enjoy being slightly root-bound, so don't feel the need to pot them in large pots.
Fun fact: fiddle leaf figs start in the foliage of other trees, where they slowly send their roots down the host tree and strangle it to death.


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Happy Planting!
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